Saturday 28 July 2012

poverty is a big demon in the world

Among all the 6.96 billion people, around half of the people are reeling under severe poverty . These people are starting their day in search of feeding their belly at the end of the day. If we think, why these people are struggling even for food while this world contains the capability of feeding all, our mind will land on some disparities which were created by our ancestors. These disparities arose out of class conflicts in different  societies. Anthropogenic , cultural, geographical, economical factors have played crucial role in dividing people into different groups. Over the years together when civilization is flourishing the exploitation of minority  of people over majority of people has been reached it's peak. The 40% of population has been enjoying the luxury and making the wealth to be concentrated leaving 60% of population in poverty. The disparity of rich and poor has been disrupting the balanced cycle of economy and ecosystem which in turn will give adverse affects in near future.   

Wednesday 18 July 2012


         We, the people of India, completely dependent on agriculture sector  for ensuring self sufficiency in feeding our huge population. India is equipped with 121 crore population and also in the progress to get the first place of most populated countries in near future. The major challenge that we are going to face is nourishing our huge population.Today out of 121 cr population 70% of population involved in agriculture and allied activities and almost all of them are small and marginal farmers and labour workforce.But, paradoxically the share of agriculture, which is feeding 70% of population, in GDP is 14.2%(2010-2011). when 100 people involved in country's progress 70 members are remunerated with Rs 14 and 30 members are compensated with Rs 86. This scenario creating a big barrier between agri and non-agri earnings.The govt of India also showing stepmother attitude towards agriculture.

       After our independence federal govt introduced land reforms to distribute land to poor and downtrodden from jamindars and govt land but these reforms ensured no distribution and completely failed bcz agriculture is a state subject and the initiator of these reforms was center govt . Almost all states showed o% interest to implement land reform schemes except west bengal and kerala. After land reform schemes the major scheme was green revolution. Green revolution is one which made us self-sufficient but at the same time the mismanagement of green revolution made our agriculture fields infertile(bcz of over usage of fertilizers and pesticides) and it has widened the gap between one region to other region by restricting this scheme to some particular areas only. The areas which have not seen the green revolution have been fighting for their self recognition today(Telangana, Vidarba, some parts of central India and whole of north eastern states). After this, i feel the major initiative was the present MGNREGA(Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) which played a crucial role to bring the UPA govt again to helm of Indian affairs. This NREGA programme   has guaranteed the rural people with minimum of 100 days work per year. This is a very good initiative and everyone has to appreciate this initiation but the implementation of this programme has been carrying unproductive work and it made labour resources costlier and scarce to farmers. The nature of this programme inculcating laziness to work force.

     The recent price hike of crude oil and nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium compounds in the global market has raised the input cost for agriculture to sky. In addition to all these our farmers have been facing problems of monsoon vagaries also and there is no proper system to maintain drought and floods.

     With all these constraints Indian brave hearted tiller continuing his duty and completing the harvest with good production. But, the post harvested output has been looted by millers and middle men. Government also supporting the middlemen with it's funny export policies. At the end of every financial year farmers are being left with nothing and the little growth of agriculture sector is being stashed away to corporate people. This is a vicious cycle that existed in our present society. This vicious cycle should eradicated from the grassroots.To eliminate this menace i can suggest the following structural changes.
              1. The land reforms should be re-implemented with full dedication in all India level and the responsibility of implementing this reforms should be vested with a separate body with honest bureaucrats controlled by union govt and the recommendations of this body shall be binding on part of state govt.
              2.The green revolution strategy should be extended to uncovered ares and the practice of this scheme should redesign in harmony with ecosystem by promoting organic manure,bio-fertilizers with minimum usage of synthetic fertilizers.
              3. Irrigation facilities should be provided equally to all regions. For this purpose the interlinking of northern perennial rivers to the south non-perennial rivers should be given more attention.
             4. well processed seeds and subsidized fertilizers should be given with proper regulated distribution systems.
             5.The middlemen system in the procurement of agriculture output should be abolished strictly.
             6. Godowns and cold storage linkages should be increased.
             7.Global and domestic markets should be monitored on regular basis.
             8. Agriculture research institutes should be updated with modern infrastructure and the allocation for R&D in agriculture in annual budget should be increased.
             9. Gap between farmer and agricultural universities should be reduced.

         The tiller, who tills the land for feeding the entire country, is now starving his belly. It is every Indian responsibility to protect our farmer for well-being of the whole nation. As a son of farmer i have given my understanding here. I am inviting you to share your knowledge regarding this issue. Please discuss about this topic with your family members and colleagues and with other members when situation favors. I hope this way we can promote awareness and stimulate everyone to support the life of our nation.        



Friday 13 July 2012


    I am not able to understand whether human civilization is flourishing with noble values or plunging into evil by continuing atrocities and sexual molestation against women and children. These inhuman activities have become very common and regular to every society(economically developed, developing, underdeveloped) with varying level of crime nature.women in Arab countries are suffering from different forms of deprivation, stringent and ruthless punishment like stone on to death for crimes like adultery, but punishment for the same crime committed by men is not in cope with of women punishment .

    The recent events which hurt me a lot was taken place in Bangalore and Guwahati. In Bangalore a France diplomat charged under sexual molestation against his own daughter on the report given by his own wife. And in Assam around fifteen persons attacked on a 17-year-old girl outside of a bar in full public view was an example for our shamelessness where all people around that incident were watching the event out of fear and one local media channel started video recording of that brutal sexual molestation instead of stopping them, latter when media persons were asked about recording, they replied that they did it in the interest of public.Do they behave like so, if that girl is their own sister or relative. This is the sorry state of our media behavior and they killed the essence of journalism with that irresponsible answer. These kind of incidents we can notice on news paper on regular basis around the world.With one or other reason women is always being victimized in the hands of men.

    I have cited only few examples just to indicate the culture that we are inculcating in our next generations. All together we are ruining our social structure instead of preserve and flourish it.