Sunday 22 March 2020


In the wake of COVID-19( Noval Corona Virus Disease) people are very panic across the world than ever before in the recent past. The epicenter of this disease is China which has been fighting from last few months and the situation is yet to be stabilized completely. In the mean time it has crossed it's boundaries and the globalized economies has helped the virus spread fast across the globe, currently the epicenter has shifted to Europe with it's severe form in Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Switzerland and UK. And many countries are still counting the numbers to join the unfortunate club. There were many debates and researches going on to trace the reason for this virus and many opinions across the globe are pointing their fingers towards the food habits of Chinese. And lot of research is under progress across the world for counter medicine for this virus. Keeping the questions "why" and "what" on this virus, first I would like to express my thanks to people from few professions. There is no person on this earth that this disease has not made him panic, everyone is afraid of getting infected and taking care themselves using different methods to stay away from infection. under such panic situations few professionals, knowing the risk factors, are at work fighting against the spread of virus. First place goes to doctors, sanity workers, police and soldiers. When everyone is isolating themselves in their homes, a doctor is waiting at his/her work to treat infected patient, a sanity worker is working on keeping the city clean, police and soldiers are fighting to bring civic discipline. A big kudos and my heartfelt thanks to them.

Now, on critical examination of this virus this world will definitely bring some medicine in very near time and the situations will come to normalcy across the globe, but this normalcy is a temporary phenomenon as long as we continue to depend only on medications and not on actual root causes. If corona is controlled today there will be another virus waiting for us somewhere in this globe to bring again same pandemic situations to this globe. It will become continuous and routine cycle for us if we don't build ourselves a strong immunity system. Now people are falling ground dead, like birds, but behind the same person there are many birds and other animals living safe, why are these animals not falling ground. Every-time when some flu is coming out, only man is afraid, but many other animals who are sharing the same planet with us are not afraid of it, time to question ourselves seriously.

Our immune system is degrading day-by-day, year-by-year and generations together as we are ruining and spoiling some essential and supporting elements of our life. In the madness of money and luxury the neo-modern society has misguided everyone and taken out the real value from our life and replaced it with vicious values and materials. Keeping the social and cultural dimensions a side, to be precise on this point, for any animal to be health and with strong immune system on this earth we need four fundamental elements 1.unadulterated earth, 2.unpolluted air, 3.uncontaminated water and rays from the sun. But we have spoiled all of these four fundamental elements each with certain extent due to our over exploitative nature in order to win the economic rat race.

Thanks to all governments across the globe for taking strong measures to curtail the virus. But, it will not sufficient, a medicine is very important to be in place to fight the disease, but equal to it or more than to it, we need a strong life style that promotes our physical body itself to thousand vaccines. History of human civilizations have crossed many different milestones and man has reached to the state that he can rule anything on this planet, so why can't we develop a mechanisms to save the fertility of our land, purity of our water and freshness of our air. We should think on these lines, otherwise future is near for humans to search for a better habitable planet which is hard to find like the great planet Earth. Every planet has a life span depending on the life of the start it is orbiting around, so there is no bad in searching new habitable places in this solar system and eventually in other star systems of the universe. Our entry into a new planet should trigger by astrological reasons, not by our own mistakes. Earth is a heaven for all of us, spoiling it and looking for other heaven is just a stupid and wicked act. 

Our body encounters uncountable unwanted and harmful bacteria and virus everyday, all these things will get killed inside our body through our immune system. I am not sure Covid was laboratory product or naturally evolved to panic us, it is true that we are weakening before viruses. Unless we correct ourselves and our lifestyle into an ecologically sustainable life, the mask that is attached to our face today never go off.

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