Monday 29 October 2018


CBI: Undoubtedly it is supreme investigation agency in India. Though we have many allegations on it's working in the hands of central govt, it is still having it's part in maintaining integrity of one nation. The recent internal issues and allegations in CBI at the helm of it's affairs is not only internal to one supreme agency, it is very much concerned about public trust on these agencies. It is once again proved and every time getting repeated in the form of different issues and keep telling us that the vigilance on supreme positions of Indian agencies and constitutional and executive heads/authorities is so weak. We need a strong ombudsman institution to curtail it at least to possible extent without giving it a free hand. The demand for Lokpal as supreme ombudsman of India has taken it's highs during Anna Hazare movement few years back and the then union govt promised to materialize it soon. But, we don't see any appreciable progress in Lokpal authority build and Lokpal is still remained as a necessity and yet to realize. Wake up India and tell strong NO to political misuse and corrupt practices in our supreme bodies, it is a great threat to constitutional objectives and it's philosophy.

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