Sunday 22 March 2020


In the wake of COVID-19( Noval Corona Virus Disease) people are very panic across the world than ever before in the recent past. The epicenter of this disease is China which has been fighting from last few months and the situation is yet to be stabilized completely. In the mean time it has crossed it's boundaries and the globalized economies has helped the virus spread fast across the globe, currently the epicenter has shifted to Europe with it's severe form in Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Switzerland and UK. And many countries are still counting the numbers to join the unfortunate club. There were many debates and researches going on to trace the reason for this virus and many opinions across the globe are pointing their fingers towards the food habits of Chinese. And lot of research is under progress across the world for counter medicine for this virus. Keeping the questions "why" and "what" on this virus, first I would like to express my thanks to people from few professions. There is no person on this earth that this disease has not made him panic, everyone is afraid of getting infected and taking care themselves using different methods to stay away from infection. under such panic situations few professionals, knowing the risk factors, are at work fighting against the spread of virus. First place goes to doctors, sanity workers, police and soldiers. When everyone is isolating themselves in their homes, a doctor is waiting at his/her work to treat infected patient, a sanity worker is working on keeping the city clean, police and soldiers are fighting to bring civic discipline. A big kudos and my heartfelt thanks to them.

Now, on critical examination of this virus this world will definitely bring some medicine in very near time and the situations will come to normalcy across the globe, but this normalcy is a temporary phenomenon as long as we continue to depend only on medications and not on actual root causes. If corona is controlled today there will be another virus waiting for us somewhere in this globe to bring again same pandemic situations to this globe. It will become continuous and routine cycle for us if we don't build ourselves a strong immunity system. Now people are falling ground dead, like birds, but behind the same person there are many birds and other animals living safe, why are these animals not falling ground. Every-time when some flu is coming out, only man is afraid, but many other animals who are sharing the same planet with us are not afraid of it, time to question ourselves seriously.

Our immune system is degrading day-by-day, year-by-year and generations together as we are ruining and spoiling some essential and supporting elements of our life. In the madness of money and luxury the neo-modern society has misguided everyone and taken out the real value from our life and replaced it with vicious values and materials. Keeping the social and cultural dimensions a side, to be precise on this point, for any animal to be health and with strong immune system on this earth we need four fundamental elements 1.unadulterated earth, 2.unpolluted air, 3.uncontaminated water and rays from the sun. But we have spoiled all of these four fundamental elements each with certain extent due to our over exploitative nature in order to win the economic rat race.

Thanks to all governments across the globe for taking strong measures to curtail the virus. But, it will not sufficient, a medicine is very important to be in place to fight the disease, but equal to it or more than to it, we need a strong life style that promotes our physical body itself to thousand vaccines. History of human civilizations have crossed many different milestones and man has reached to the state that he can rule anything on this planet, so why can't we develop a mechanisms to save the fertility of our land, purity of our water and freshness of our air. We should think on these lines, otherwise future is near for humans to search for a better habitable planet which is hard to find like the great planet Earth. Every planet has a life span depending on the life of the start it is orbiting around, so there is no bad in searching new habitable places in this solar system and eventually in other star systems of the universe. Our entry into a new planet should trigger by astrological reasons, not by our own mistakes. Earth is a heaven for all of us, spoiling it and looking for other heaven is just a stupid and wicked act. 

Our body encounters uncountable unwanted and harmful bacteria and virus everyday, all these things will get killed inside our body through our immune system. I am not sure Covid was laboratory product or naturally evolved to panic us, it is true that we are weakening before viruses. Unless we correct ourselves and our lifestyle into an ecologically sustainable life, the mask that is attached to our face today never go off.

Monday 29 October 2018


CBI: Undoubtedly it is supreme investigation agency in India. Though we have many allegations on it's working in the hands of central govt, it is still having it's part in maintaining integrity of one nation. The recent internal issues and allegations in CBI at the helm of it's affairs is not only internal to one supreme agency, it is very much concerned about public trust on these agencies. It is once again proved and every time getting repeated in the form of different issues and keep telling us that the vigilance on supreme positions of Indian agencies and constitutional and executive heads/authorities is so weak. We need a strong ombudsman institution to curtail it at least to possible extent without giving it a free hand. The demand for Lokpal as supreme ombudsman of India has taken it's highs during Anna Hazare movement few years back and the then union govt promised to materialize it soon. But, we don't see any appreciable progress in Lokpal authority build and Lokpal is still remained as a necessity and yet to realize. Wake up India and tell strong NO to political misuse and corrupt practices in our supreme bodies, it is a great threat to constitutional objectives and it's philosophy.

Saturday 22 July 2017


KUDOS TO AIR NEWS: Years back I was a regular listener of AIR news at daily 9-9:30 PM. Initially I started listening to it to improve my English speaking skill and later addicted to the social content of it. It is just a voice with no visual, still most effective presenter of social situations. The spot light program with eminent people from different strata of the society is designed in such a way it helps to give comprehensive picture on the topic of discussion to the listener. Now, we have many visual news channels are available, but I don't find a good reason to praise them. In All India Radio news content I never felt about something that should not be presented to the public. In our visual channels it is more futile content than useful. I don't have intention of pointing wrong finger to our media people because most of the public is not interested in watching what is relevant to society and social benefits. So media is running towards chasing the minds of public for their TRP ratings.Every society has great impact on it's social conduct by news and entertainment media. Here we can't think of entertainment media to be responsible on it's content towards the society, it has already ruined the best flavors our culture and tradition. But, the news media which should act as informative agent is also moving towards entertainment area. Media has the great ability of changing the society either towards constructive patch or towards destructive patch. Media should act like a strong pillar to the society to ensure the strength of good conduct. If the pillar compromises with negative interests then the evil effects are obvious to prevail. People should derive inspiration and confidence from the media. The ratification of each and every presentation is more important for social validity. It should act as front runner towards building a great culture.


Wednesday 1 March 2017


A country/person with incorrect priorities never give any fruits to it's civilization. Statistical outcomes may give economic dominance over it's previous years and also over it's neighboring countries. Perhaps this dominance is a temporary phenomenon and a real myth. The longevity always exists in self-realization. Our main problem in today's world for majority of countries and majority of people is living a life without having this self-realization. We need many material and immaterial things in life beyond our basic and self-esteem needs. This unwanted extra stuff creating all sorts of nonsense to us and diverting our priorities to unhygienic and naturally-unlawful though these are constitutionally lawful in many geographical parts.

This world has seen many historical events which have created all sorts of brutal destruction. For me all these could be traced their origins into the failure of self-realization. Yes, Alexander realized on his death bed that he failed to understand the meaning of life and wasted his life in wars and became a cause of so much civil unrest around the globe. The story of Mongol warrior Genghis Khan moves in the same way created blood bath in the then societies. And Hitler, we all know what this world has paid for his activities. All sorts of evils took place on this earth only due to failure of self-realization. Throughout the history we have crossed many stages from nomadic life style to permanent settlements and from monarchy rule to democratic rule. Only change I can see in todays so called democratic society from other previous societies is the change in the form of slavery. Earlier people had to struggle for food in some periods and had to live in slavery under different reigns. Now we are same slaves of our life. We became slaves to technological innovations without realizing what we are getting at the cost of what we are losing. The whole world is being driven by currency and material relations. We want money and money and more money to build future of our family/country. But non of us realizing ourselves money is not the replacement to what we are actually missing. A country wants to dominate the other by showing economic statistics and military spending. A family wants to show their power showing their assets and income and by luxury unwanted spending. So, in both cases we try to feel happy ourselves by exposing something we have that others don't have. If others too had what you have then certainly that won't become a source of satisfaction. We always need something special day after day till the death leaving no meaning behind. For our selfish wants we are destroying our nature more than ever before making it a hell to future generations.

Self realization is that which enlighten us to lead peaceful life with whatever we have hurting none. After all the activities we are certainly leave this world. So, everyone should keep this in mind, most importantly when they are young. Self-realization is the motivating force that drives our activities to help others and to live with nature in harmony. It unites our soul with eternal joy by joining in every good aspect of society. It is our responsibility to give the best to our future generations. I always like to dream a group of small kids playing in green pastures breathing pure air drinking clean river water. These kids are very very rich than the kids playing in costly video games.

Sunday 14 December 2014

What are Hindus and Muslims in India

I feel proud to speak about my Muslim brothers in India. I am really fortunate enough to have good friends and colleagues from Muslim community starts from my academics to employment. Yes they really worth enough in my life as dearest friends. Infact, I love Ramdan and Bakrid a lot on par with any Hindu festivals. It was really a quite wonderful memories for me to be invited by my friend to join the happy moments of their family during the festival of Ramdan and other.

The real beauty of Islam that I should mention without missing is their kind heart towards charity. During Eid, it is cultural practice for everyone who can afford it to donate a sum of money or material. so that the poor will also be able to eat their fill during the festival. These donations are often made via the mosque. Helping people who are less well-off is a key and core feature of Islam. Infact, this compulsory alms-giving is one of the 'Five Pillars of Islam'. The other four are the profession of faith, ritual prayer, fasting during Ramadan, and the pilgrimage to Mecca.

I am fortunate enough to read the stories of prophets, to be told by some stories related to Islamic culture and some basic beliefs of Islam. As born in Hindu family, when I compare the practices and core beliefs of Hinduism with Islamic practices and core belies, both have many commonalities and shares the same spirit of faith and living for good cause. For this point all the religions in this world are always shows only one same destination. To put the nature of this destination in my simple and understandable words is 'LIVE WITH SACREDNESS AND LOVE & HELP ALL IRRESPECTIVE OF CASTE COMMUNITY AND CREED. I don't know anything bigger more than this simple line after seeing different religions in my society.

I believe that because of these common faiths in doctrines of different religions India would able to sustain unity and integrity with different diversified customs. It is the land where a Muslim guy can participate in Hindu temple Pujas and where a Hindu person can happily go and attend the prayer of Mosque and Church. I am proud to say in my country all holy places like temples, mosques, Gurudwaras and Churches are open to all human beings.

Do you also feel proud to have friends from other communities,. Yes, feel proud of it if you have. If you don't have, I am sure you are missing something in life.

India shares great bondage among different communities.But, some idiots from almost every community trying to destroy this bond which it was happened during British raj era for their selfis benefits.

Let us be firm and strong enough and don't let some bigot destroy this bond.

Friday 4 April 2014

Marriage - An unavoidable bondage

It's very funny for me to write an article on the subject matter of marriage without being married. As a person who is leading bachelor life, I may not give you the comprehensive feelings on this subject, but still wanted to discuss some of my observations that I have derived from the relationship of my parents, married friends, colleagues and relatives.

Marriage is a sacred bondage that carries many new responsibilities, new struggles and joyful movements. It exposes you, all of a sudden, to a new environment where you got to meet different new people with different attitudes having different relations. You are expected by everyone to manage all these relations and to cope up with new responsibilities. Both partners are responsible to nourish new relation and make it long lasting with shared responsibility.

The journey of this beautiful voyage starts with marriage and ends with death. Everyone excited of his/her life partner and it is more or less a wonderful feeling to have found their life mate. The initial days of married life goes with exploring each other in different angles provided by different opportunities, this period of time is absolutely equal to moon light dinner for many couples as the couples relation is tightly intertwined with romance.At this juncture, every couple experience an overwhelming certainty that they will love their partner forever.But, the biggest question here is how long this love lasts?. We have practical examples of many couples who ended their relation in different stages of their marriage.we can divide these stages into three categories.

1.Very soon after the couple got married.
2.After moon light dinner period is over.
3.Till the death of any one.
4.Till the death of both.

The first category people end up their relation very soon after their marriage even before to their romantic life. The breakup here are mainly driven by materialistic causes of money, ego clashes in marriage process and also a psychological cause of immaturity of couple and their families. This I have red in news papers in many cases, the problem being the dowry factor and ego clashes.

The second category people end up their relation because of immature excitement of marriage. This category people enjoy their relation as long as the romantic life continues. Once the romantic component of life starts retreating to normalcy, the couple misunderstands that the component of love is coming down. This problem arises only when couple miss-associates love with romance. In-fact, in many cases true love emerges little later the honey moon nights of the couple is over. By the time the love flourishes between them the materialistic components poses many challenges to the couple and that challenges leads to break up of relation. It would be very difficult to find out root causes of break up as many times the claimed causes are not real causes. The real cause is always failure in development of true love.

The third category people end up their relation with the death of his/her partner. These people are matured enough and practical in sense of maintaining relations. They share love each other and this love flourishes out of struggle driven periods of couple than the romance and joy driven periods. The love that the couple have already developed would be further strengthened by strong binding force of children. Children makes the bond of couple more strong and opens a sudden new door for a different joy of them. Children too would bring some extra burden to couple, but still couple wanted to bear it and enjoy the sweet burden. Once one of the partner meets with death, then the other partner becomes alone in-spite of  many people around him including his/her children. This loneliness becomes unbearable and sometimes provokes him/her for remarriage provided with sufficient age and pressure from family. This is mostly possible for men than to women. Indian culture restricts women remarriage up-to considerable level and it is further difficult if she has children from first marriage.

The fourth category people end up their bond only with the death of both partners. This is possible only in case of highly matured couple. For these couples the love flourishes as it happened in third category people. But, the love here is not possession, it is an emotional devotion. Love cherishes emotional bondage to it's zenith and sustains the certainty with eternal values. In this case even if one of the partner meets with death, the other partner would lead his/her rest of the life with sweet memories that they have shared in their relation. This relation shall make no noise and do no dance on the faces of couple. It silently sits inside of couple's deep heart. The feelings that waves in the bottom of their heart is inexpressible to poetic sense, it only sensible to meditative mind. The couple feel the same sense of residence from the place of paradise to the guest house of graveyard.

All the above categories, except fourth category, are subjected to material impacts with varying level of degree. Today's world is showing up most of cosmetic love to us than pure love, people want to expose their love to external world than nourishing it themselves to make it further deepen. It is better not to expose our love always to outside environment of our family. Our love doesn't require of others attention. 

The subject matter of marriage is too complex and it is very difficult for people like me to discuss it with holistic view without any experience. It contains physiological needs, psychological balances, philosophical impacts, cultural guidance and above all the need of loved one. Whether your partner turn as loved one or not is totally depends on how you patronage your relation with all these components from day one on-wards.

We are so happy being Indians because our culture had great many required parameters for the building of strong marital relation. Our marriage system joins successfully two unknown persons together and slowly indoctrinates them with the essence of love and lasts forever as a sign of sacrality till the last breath of them.

-- I wish all married people a wonderful journey and unmarried people to get marry soon--

                ---- Opinion is subjected to change after my marriage :) :) :) 

Thursday 13 March 2014

నాకు తెలిసిన ప్రేమ...

ధేహన్ని ఆరాధిస్తే కామం అవుతుంది.మనసుని ఆరాధిస్తే ప్రేమ అవుతుంది. ఈ శ్రుష్టిలొ ఏసంబంధం అయీనా కామాన్ని తప్ఫుపడుతుంది కాని ప్రేమను కాదు. మంచి మనసుకి జరిగే అభిషేకం ఎదుటి మనిషిచేత పొందబడిన స్వచ్చమైన ప్రేమ. ప్రతి మనిషి యుక్క ప్రేమను పొందగలిగిన హ్రుదయం వర్ణనాతీతమైన సౌందర్యం. సౌందర్యవంతమైన ఎన్నో రూపాలకు జన్మనిచ్చిన నా భరతభూమి యెక్క చరిత్ర తనివితీరని మాదూర్యం. మదురమైన అనుభవాల నడుమ సాగే ప్రతి జీవితం దన్యం.